Peoples Choice Award
Cost - FREE
Available Spaces - unlimited within sensible reason
This competition takes place at 10pm on the Friday night Warm Up Freestyle. Anyone who wishes to enter will come onto the floor with their fixed partner when Ivan announces so. We will have a selection of judges who will then each pick 1 couple who will go through to the final. The chosen couples then dance in the finals and the winning couple will be those who get the loudest cheer from the crowds (measured via decibles).
1 round, 1 final, 1 winning couple
Competition Rules
1) This category is open to all, amateurs and professionals.
2) Any couple goes, but no threesomes (tag or double trouble).
3) No dance numbers needed.
4) Judges will be picked at random from the crowd.
5) Judges will NOT award points for dress and presentation.
6) Airsteps, (lifts, jumps and acrobatic moves), will not be permitted. Disqualification from the competition will be automatic should a couple attempt these moves.
7) No extra points will be awarded for drops but they will be permitted provided that one of the lady's feet remains in contact with the ground. Otherwise the move will be defined as an airstep. Please agree beforehand with your partner if you agree to any kind of dip, drop or lean.
8) There is no age limit in this category.
Extra notes
Ceroc Devon reserves the right to change the programme and competition if necessary without consultation.
The event will be recorded in full and photographed, these may be used by Ceroc for promotional purposes.
The organisers accept no responsibility for injury to person or possession in relation to this event.
There will be no refund for entrants who pull out of this category beforehand.